Collince Gworo

Collince Gworo

(PHD) in Finance - University of Nairobi
Master (Art in Governance & Ethics) - Mount Kenya
MBA - University of Nairobi
Bachelor Degree (Economics) - University of Nairobi
Certified Public Accountant – Finalist
Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI).
Membership in Professional Organizations
  • Institute of Securities & Investment (CISI).
Core Expertise
  • Strategic Planning and Management
  • Business Process Re-Engineering
  • Ethics & Corporate Governance
  • Preparation of Policy Manuals
  • Leadership & Management

Mr. Gworois an experienced Lecturer and Consultant with tenacity and proactive approach to trainings and workshop facilitation. He boasts of a 15-year Lecturing career in different fields in Economics, Finance, Auditing and Strategy among others. He is currently a lecturer at Mount Kenya University, a Director at Star Institute of Professional and the Lead Training Consultant at Scoreline Africa Consulting.

He a financial analysist, a researcher and an Author in the field of finance and accounting. Read his latest book “Trading Volume and Price Volatility of Shares. A Case of Emerging Markets”.LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 17 Meldrum street, Beau Bassin 71504, Mauritius.

At Scoreline, he is the Coordinator of all the Human Resource Enhancement programmes, where she undertakes the follows:

  • Mapping out training strategies and assist with building of training plans and schedules
  • Supporting trainers and facilitators in designing and developing training agendas and materials and ensure consistency of the training sessions with the organization’s objectives
  • Design and develop concept notes of training sessions and TOR of trainers, facilitators and other consultants engaged for the training programs;
  • Develop and maintain a database of facilitators and trainers for the office;
  • Manage all the logistics for the training sessions and support trainers in the delivery of training sessions through organisation of necessary materials, facilities, equipment and refreshments;